

Things she likes more than I do: dresses, yoga, knitting, running, baking bread, trying on shoes, whatever color her hair happens to be, vintage clothing, shopping, her sister, chick flicks, underground music.

Things I like more than she does: video games, football, Ultimate Fighting, keg beer, chicken wings, heavy weights, basketball, poker, involuntary muscle twitches, Westerns, baseball, my cats, '80s metal.

Things we both like: Blue Moon, coffee, Raymond Carver, A Confederacy of Dunces, adventurous restaurant choices, things that happen on top of paisley sheets, garter belts, blogs and other voyeuristic sources of information, great burgers, Chicago, John Cusack movies, sleeping while touching/not touching, sushi, 100 Years of Solitude, writing, kissing, Scrabble, musicals, politics, each other.

I imagine this will be updated at some point, but somewhere in here I'm pretty sure there's a reason why this works.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Things she likes more than you do: you. -j.